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Thermal Recycling awarded Innovate UK Smart Grant from UK government

Thermal Recycling is delighted to have been awarded an Innovate UK Smart Grant. The grant is to enable us to identify the best use for the treated material after it has been denatured.
Our state of the art kiln converts cement roof sheets containing chrysotile asbestos into a material that is no more harmful than the cement from which it was derived. Initially, this material will be crushed and can then be used as an aggregate.

The Innovate UK Smart Grant will enable us to create a number of different prototype construction products using the treated material and to have these products tested and ultimately certified for use in the UK.
We anticipate that this project will be completed in early 2021.

Thermal Recycling awarded Innovate UK Smart Grant from UK government

How Can We Be Sure These Products Do Not Contain Asbestos?

We know that the thermal treatment process that we have developed causes chemical and physical changes to asbestos which result in a new and different material that is not asbestos.
Extensive independent testing in accredited laboratories has proven that this treated material does not contain asbestos.

To date, nearly 200 tests of the treated material have been conducted using Polarised Light Microscopy (PLM). No asbestos has been detected in any of these tests. We have also undertaken 8 tests using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). These have also shown that no asbestos has been detected.

How Can We Be Sure That These Products Are Safe To Use?

X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) have been used to identify the detailed chemical composition of the treated material. Because the treated material is a ‘new substance’ it has been registered under REACH (an EU regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals). It has also been classified for hazards under the EU’s CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging) Regulation.
A Safety Data Sheet has been produced which identifies precautions that need to be taken when handling the treated material. The treated material is no more harmful to handle than Portland cement.

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